Welcome to Sailability



We are a registered charity offering sailing and waterborne activities for disabled children and young adults throughout Derbyshire and Leicestershire.

We also offer the opportunity for less mobile sailors to continue sailing when a conventional dinghy may be a little too much for them to handle.

We also offer the opportunity for less mobile sailors to continue sailing when a conventional dinghy may be a little too much for them to handle.

If you or your organisation would like to get involved as a user of our facilities, or you would like to sponsor or support our work, please email us.

We are based at Staunton Harold reservoir, near Melbourne, Derbyshire, alongside Staunton Harold Sailing Club.


Pontoon and Dock

Check out our partners the Pontoon and Dock Company, suppliers of pontoons, Hereford hoists and all things making water accessible to all.

Pontoon and Dock



We have been providing sailing opportunities for children and young adults with disabilities from our region for many years by holding a special Annual Day for anyone, and regular sailing sessions.

We are fully equipped now and can accommodate adults on all sessions or with independent sailing opportunities. Please check our events page for full details of organised sessions and events or contact us direct to discuss any other requirements.

Please check our events page for full details of organised sessions and events or contact us direct to discuss any other requirements.

We provide a safe environment where participants can experience sailing in special dinghies, either sailing alone or with an instructor or other participants. Each session will build upon skills at a rate dictated by each participant.

We aim to encourage participants to become members of the sailing club and take advantage of the trust's equipment as part of their membership. The Trust will look at providing grants to participants to subsidise membership.

We encourage siblings and parents to join in. Our activities fall into three main categories: sailing, powerboats and onshore activities.

We major on sailing and onshore activities, but powerboats play a part in allowing sensory experiences for those who might prefer not to sail, or be unable to sail.

If you are unsure that this is for you get in touch so we can advise or help you in finding out more.