Sailability People

Sailability People

Meet some of the people at Sailability...

Mark Harden

 Mark Harden  

Role: Chair and Trustee

Mark has been involved in Sailability for over 20 years, leading the clubs sailability activity prior to the formation of the Trust. He received recgnition for his work with sailability as a recipient of a volunteer award from the RYA.

Lisa Woodward

 Lisa Woodward  

Role: Secretary and trustee

Lisa has been involved in sailability for 4 years,from a non sailing background she is the key organiser for the trust and keeps us all in order.

Andy kennington

 Andy kennington  

Role: Trustee and Sailing SI

Andy is our expert sailor and the inspiration behind our onshore activities and is a proven favourite amongst some of our sailors. Andy is a senior Instructor with the RYA and is key to ensuring participants learn as much as they can from their sailing.

Jackie Tinkler

 Jackie Tinkler  

Role: Trustee

Jackie has been coming to sailability as a parent for a number of years and has now joined the trustees and is our gatekeeper at each session

Di Hooper

 Di Hooper  

Role: Treasurer and Trustee

Di manages the trust finances and supervises on the pontoon at sessions, She has guided the Trust through a numberof purchases and aquisitions ensuring the Trust can operate each year.

Tony Macnamara

 Tony Macnamara  

Role: Trustee and Bosun

Tony has extensive experience in all things water, he has personal experiences of disability and the challenges associated. Tony is also the bosun and keeps all out boats in top condition and is involved in the development of special seats for our challengers.

Lesley Foskett

 Lesley Foskett  

Role: Trustee and volunteer

Lesley has extensive sailing experience , she has held various positions at the sailing club including vice commodore. Lesley has been a GP for many years and brings extensive knowledge of all things medical and a wealth of child protection and vulnerable adult experiences.

Amanda Hancock

 Amanda Hancock  

Role: Trustee

Amanda Joins us as a trustee having come to us some years ago initially to watch whilst Clive our official photographer took pictures of the sessions. With some discussion and gentle persuasion Amanda took to the water and hasn't looked back since, She leaves her wheelchair on shore and sets sail with any number of willing volunteers vying for her company. Amanda brings a unique view to Sailability through her own personal challenges , fears anxieties working towards making the water available to all